KPEL Time Machine: The Night That “Pretty Boy” Troy Hebert Roasted Moon Griffon
I want to take you back to November 11, 2008.
Listeners of the Moon Griffon Show gathered at the Petroleum Club as KPEL hosted (and Bernadette Lee emceed) a unique event in his honor...sort of. The Roast of Moon Griffon featured elected officials and other KPEL personalities giving Moon what he gives his political opponents every day on his show - a hard time.
As you know, Moon is relentless in his criticism of people he feels are not doing right by the people of Louisiana or our country. And Moon does it in such a comical way (though his political opponents don't always think so!) that he even comes up with nicknames for them.
Enter "Pretty Boy" Troy Hebert.
On a night that featured former Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco, state senator Mike Michot, and longtime KPEL contributor Dr. John Sutherlin, state senator Hebert arguably stole the show.
You see, Moon called him "Pretty Boy" because Moon says Hebert liked the fancy suits, the women, and making sure he always looked good (makeup, hair spray, etc.). Well, after years of Moon giving him such a hard time on the air, Hebert used this opportunity to get him back.
WATCH BELOW: "The Night That 'Pretty Boy' Troy Hebert Roasted Moon Griffon"
As you can see in the video, "Pretty Boy's" roast of Moon became almost legendary. Moon mentions this on-air from time to time and, and as a matter of fact, he and Moon still laugh about it today.
Hebert's delivery was funny, natural, and downright impressive!
And, Moon will tell you, he has always respected Hebert for having such a good time with the "Pretty Boy" nickname and for not taking himself so seriously, like Moon.
Enjoy this blast from the past on the KPEL Time Machine!
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