Lafayette Congressman Boustany Says He Knew Healthcare Costs Were Underestimated
Congressman Charles Boustany joined "Mornings With Ken and Bernie" today to talk about the cost of the healthcare reform act, a new VA super clinic and the President's recent comments about the healthcare decision before the United States Supreme Court. Boustany basically summoned it up about healthcare by saying "I told you so".
One of the main goals of President Obama's landmark healthcare act was to cut the costs, but according to another new story, that is not going to happen. Boustany says "this is no shock to me at all. I have been saying this since the plan was first proposed." Boustany says the way the bill was written means the actual language make it obvious that the bill was not going to be calculated properly. The study was done by a Republican member of the board that is charged with overseeing Medicare financing, and he says it will mean another 340-billion dollars to the budget deficit over the next ten years. Conservative policy analyst Charles Blahous says his study shows that they new law will not reduce spending.
His study challenges the idea that the healthcare law will reduce the amount of money the country is in debt because of people paying more taxes, and providers of Medicare getting less money, but he says it will not happen. He says, due to law, most of the money that is collect4ed will have to go straight to the Medicare hospitalization trust fund.
When it comes to healthcare for veterans Boustany says the "paper error" made when trying to get the bidding process started for a new super clinic in Lafayette will probably bog the process down for "another two years, and make everyone wait because mistakes were made". Boustany says he will continue to stay on the Veteran's Administration to make the clinic become a reality.
To hear the full interview, click below: