Man Dies After Winning Roach-Eating Contest
Well, it's finally happened -- someone died after gorging themselves in an eating contest. But here's the kicker: The 32-year-old man in question passed away after scarfing down dozens of roaches and worms. Ick! Why couldn't it have been something tasty like hot dogs or buffalo wings?
Edward Archbold was among 30 contestants who participated in a bug-eating contest at Ben Siegel Reptiles in Deerfield Beach, Florida last Friday. The prize was a python valued at $850.
Ironically, Archbold won the contest after consuming an unspecified number of insects. But he fell ill soon after and began to vomit. Eventually, he collapsed outside the store and was taken to North Broward Medical Center where he was pronounced dead.
Although it might initially seem like Archbold's buggy diet may have been the cause, Luke Lirot, who legally represents the store, said the insects were domestically raised in a controlled environment and likely posed no danger.
An autopsy has been conducted and authorities are awaiting test results to determine the cause of death. Either way, we suddenly have a newfound respect for the critters crawling on our bathroom floor at night.