Multi-agency Chemical Spill Tabletop Exercise Scheduled for Thursday
The Lafayette Fire Department will facilitate a chemical spill tabletop exercise tomorrow with multiple local and state agencies.
Representatives from Louisiana State Police HazMat, Lafayette Parish Sheriff Office, Lafayette Police Department, ULL Police, Acadian Ambulance, LUS, DHH, DEQ, LCG Public Works and Risk Management, and Lafayette Parish School System will be in attendance.
The exercise will simulate an emergency situation --a chemical spill in the community. The objective is to present a near-real situation to assess crisis response plans and improve each organization’s crisis preparedness.
A tabletop exercise provides the most cost-effective and efficient way to evaluate responses to an incident involving multiple agencies.
The exercise is expected to last three hours. At the end, each stakeholder will participate in a critique to evaluate the drill and offer suggestions to improve our response teams and crisis plans.