Naked Samurai Goes on New Year’s Day Rampage
While most of us rang in the new year with a noisemaker and a drink or two, 29-year-old Coco Bennett celebrated by brandishing a samurai sword in front of police. Oh, and he was stark naked too, of course.
According to reports, several San Jose residents called 911 after witnessing Bennett standing in front of a home with an assault rifle around 8am on New Year's Day. As police rushed to the scene, he apparently fled in his car but was later pulled over by cops.
At this point, Bennett emerged from the vehicle completely naked while wielding a large Samurai sword. He reportedly screamed threats at police and a tense standoff began.
Eventually, Bennett was taken into custody without incident approximately two hours later and a AR-15-type assault rifle and the aforementioned sword were recovered.
Hey, pal, owning a sword is one thing. But if you're planning on being naked, you better watch where you swing that thing.
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