Over Advocates Objections, Judge Says Some Youth Offenders Can Be Transferred to Angola
After a three-day hearing, Judge Shelly Dick ruled not to block the state of Louisiana's plan to send two dozen youth offenders to Angola to be housed for a short time, according to the Advocate.
During this year there have been multiple fights at the Bridge City Center for Youth, and even one riot. During that situation, teens took over parts of the facility in Jefferson Parish.
The Jefferson Parish Council has been debating for some time what to do about the problems at the facility. Governor John Bel Edwards says the plan to move the juvenile offenders to Angola will only stay in place until renovations are completed at the Jetson Center for Youth in East Baton Rouge Parish.
Loyola law professor Dane Ciolino told Louisiana Radio Network that while civil rights experts filed suit to halt the move, Judge Dick decided it was the best move. The judge had the following to say in her ruling,
The prospect of putting a teenager to bed at night in a locked cell behind razor wire surrounded by swamps at Angola is disturbing. While locking children in cells at night at Angola is untenable, the threat of harm these youngsters present to themselves, and others is intolerable. The untenable must yield to the intolerable.
There is no timeline as to when the juveniles will be sent to Angola.