Public Affairs Research Council To Analyze Tax Code Changes
PAR, the Public Affairs Research Council says they will be looking into tax code changes.
The government watchdog group is calling for a close look at potential tax code changes for residents and businesses around the state after the Jindal administration pushed a reorganization of the tax code for Louisiana.
The study will be conducted by 15 members, all of which have experience in accounting, law, business, government, and public policy.
Member's include three former commissioners of administration who were budget advisers to Louisiana Governors. Angele Davis, who worked for Governor Bobby Jindal, Jerry Luke LeBlanc, who worked for Governor Kathleen Blanco and Mark Drennen, who worked for Governor Mike Foster.
PAR is not a lobbying organization and will be using the results of the study to inform the public, which has been their mission since their foundation in 1950.