Simple and Cheap Hacks to Keep You Cool in South Louisiana
Even though we are right in the middle of a worldwide health crisis, it's hard to escape the fact that it is full blown summer here in south Louisiana. Which means you can either grin and bear it, or find ways to keep cool until, oh, at least Thanksgiving.
The folks at have some pretty amazing ways to keep cool over the next couple of blistering months, and I wanted to pass along some of my favorites. They are either super cheap or free, which fits in fine with a budget that could have been reduced because of coronavirus.
- Ice Blocks. Get a small dollar store Styrofoam ice chest, fill it with water and freeze. Pop the ice blocks out of the container and store in the freezer for later. Or you could just leave the ice on the bottom of the container and put drinks on top to cool down.
- Ice Cream Cake. So easy to make. Those gallon containers of ice cream that are hard to dig into can be turned upside down and popped out on a plate to be cut into servings. You might have to microwave for a few seconds first, but not too long or it will melt before you can cut it
- Fruit Slushies. Freeze juice packs, cut the top off and dig in with a spoon. You can also crush ice in the blender, and add your own homemade simple syrup on top. Sometimes we do this with Swamp Pop Satsuma Fizz, and it's so delish!
- Flavored Ice. At my house, we add a blueberry or a half of a strawberry in the bottom of an ice cube tray. Fill it with water, or, we like lemonade. Freeze, and then pop out to use in your favorite beverage. Filling a glass up with these is not only pretty, but refreshing.
- Ice Cups. Easy to make, with instructions here. These will not only keep your drink cold, but your hands too.
- Terra Cotta Coolers. Get two terra cotta pots, one bigger than the other. Put a layer of sand in the bottom of the big one, and put the smaller one inside of it, also with a layer of sand. Then fill the space between the pots with sand. Put a towel over it, and soak with a water hose. Then put directly in the sun. Believe it or not, when the water starts to evaporate it chills the pots, which are now perfect for your cold drinks or food. This will be so great to use at festivals, if and when we ever get to go to one again in the summer.
Check out more easy ways to cool down in Louisiana during the summer here.
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