State officials anticipate RESTORE checks to be sent out in near future
Louisiana officials are optimistic that 2016 flood victims who did not get RESTORE grant money due to receiving SBA loans will be seeing a check in the near future.
State Office of Community Development Executive Director Pat Forbes says the state is getting final guidelines approved by HUD. After that happens, they’ll be contacting remaining flood victims…
“We will be reaching out to each individual about what their specific next steps are once we’ve got these clarifications from HUD.”
This action should end the “duplication of benefits” loophole.
All households below 120 percent of the Area Median Income of the area that they live in will be cleared to receive their check shortly. Forbes says if you make over that amount, HUD will have to take a closer look at your need for the funds.
“Over 120, and we’re going to have to as a state, demonstrate to HUD a hardship on a case by case basis.”
Forbes says the state is writing guidelines, that must be approved by HUD, for the “hardship waivers” in a way that will hopefully allow most families above the 120 AMI level to still receive their checks.
Forbes says for the most part, there will be very little, if anything, that most RESTORE applicants will need to do, other than wait just a little while longer…
“We do not anticipate it being months, or the end of the year, or anything like that. We’re expecting to understand this as much as we need to here very shortly.”