barack obama

Joe Biden Gift Wraps Present For Romney Campaign
Joe Biden Gift Wraps Present For Romney Campaign
Joe Biden Gift Wraps Present For Romney Campaign
Joe Biden has officially stepped in it again.  He was at a campaign stop and said that the middle class has been buried for the last four years. As you can imagine, the Republicans and the Romney Campaign have pounced on the comments, making the claim that Obama is responsible for it...
Libya – What Did They Know and When Did They Know It?
Libya – What Did They Know and When Did They Know It?
Libya – What Did They Know and When Did They Know It?
Word is increasingly clear that the attack in Libya was a terrorist attack by an offshoot of Al-Qaida.  Word has also been clear that the White House knew about it within 24 hours. Yet, it took until late last week for the White House to admit that it was anything more than a random attack...
Madonna Promises to Get Naked If Obama Gets Elected – Would That Make You Vote For Him?
Madonna Promises to Get Naked If Obama Gets Elected – Would That Make You Vote For Him?
Madonna Promises to Get Naked If Obama Gets Elected – Would That Make You Vote For Him?
Madonna spent some time at a recent concert giving a profanity-laced endorsement of the President.  In addition, she stripped down to her underwear and showed off some body art that promoted Obama.  Then she promised that she would strip off everything if the President wins a second term...
Media Responds Very Differently To Candidates
Media Responds Very Differently To Candidates
Media Responds Very Differently To Candidates
The response couldn't be more different. First, you have the President saying that the problems in the Middle East are "bumps in the road." Yes, the President just said that the desecration of our flag and the death of our ambassador are both just a bump in the road on the way to peace...
The Campaign Is Not Over!
The Campaign Is Not Over!
The Campaign Is Not Over!
If you listen to the media, they are all saying the same thing.  Mitt Romney is in trouble.  But, in the most recent polls, you see that Obama and Romney are within a couple of points of each other.  Also, a new poll shows that Romney is up by 14 points among the middle class...
U Can’t Touch This Obama/MC Hammer Mashup
U Can’t Touch This Obama/MC Hammer Mashup
U Can’t Touch This Obama/MC Hammer Mashup
Remember the "you didn't build that" debacle? It turns out if you take enough of President Obama's words out of context you can make him do a little rap song that sounds remarkably like "U Can't Touch This" by MC Hammer. Bonus at 2:52 -- turns out the president is ticklish...
Obama Makes A Gaffe And Is He Planning On Losing?
Obama Makes A Gaffe And Is He Planning On Losing?
Obama Makes A Gaffe And Is He Planning On Losing?
President Obama made an interesting gaffe today, saying that he can't change Washington from the inside.  Mitt Romney followed up with a response that was quick and to the point.  Could this dominate the campaign now? Also, is reporting that a financier for Obama is quietly shopping the Hawaii real estate market for a retirement home for the Obamas...
Obama’s Got More Whoppers Than Burger King
Obama’s Got More Whoppers Than Burger King
Obama’s Got More Whoppers Than Burger King
I can't believe it and I know I probably should believe it.  Still, when President Obama tells some real tall tales and figures people will believe it, you have to wonder if he is going to rival Bill Clinton as someone that you can count on for flat out lying to the American people...
Obama Says No to Netanyahu of Israel
Obama Says No to Netanyahu of Israel
Obama Says No to Netanyahu of Israel
President Obama has turned down a request from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to meet when the Prime Minister is in the U.S. later in the month. The White House is saying that scheduling conflicts will keep the President from being able to meet, but they quickly offered him a chance to meet with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton...
Obama – The Absentee President?
Obama – The Absentee President?
Obama – The Absentee President?
Word is coming out from both Bob Woodward and other sources that the President was not around for some meetings. One source is claiming that the President has only attended his daily intelligence meetings 43.8 percent of the time.  Compare that with President George W...
What Did You Think of President Obama’s Speech?
What Did You Think of President Obama’s Speech?
What Did You Think of President Obama’s Speech?
President Obama has given his speech and the Democratic National Convention is in the history books.  But, did he give a good speech?  We'd like to know what you think.  Did you love it, hate it or did you have some other reaction?  Vote in our poll below and let us know what you think...

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