barack obama

Will Sarah Palin Join the Race? : Afternoon Drive Home
Will Sarah Palin Join the Race? : Afternoon Drive Home
Will Sarah Palin Join the Race? : Afternoon Drive Home
Sarah Palin has recently drawn to within 5 points of President Obama in a recent poll.  In addition, in an interview on Fox News with Sean Hannity, she said that the 2012 election will be unconventional. Is this a sign that the former Alaska Governor is leaning toward a run for the White House...
New Jobs Plan Really Means New Taxes : Afternoon Drive Home
New Jobs Plan Really Means New Taxes : Afternoon Drive Home
New Jobs Plan Really Means New Taxes : Afternoon Drive Home
The President's plan for jobs calls for $3 of new taxes for each $1 of spending cuts, according to a new article.  The plan calls for $1.5 Trillion in new taxes that would mainly come from the richest Americans. Is this something that would solve our problems or is this the President trying to run for re-election...
The Jobs Plan and Fantastic Thinking: Afternoon Drive Home
The Jobs Plan and Fantastic Thinking: Afternoon Drive Home
The Jobs Plan and Fantastic Thinking: Afternoon Drive Home
The President has made his views clear and now it seems as if he and his surrogates are making scare tactics a part of the mix as they convince us that we need to "pass this bill, and pass it now." Not only does the President think that not passing this will make kids at schools with poor ventilation sick, but also DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz says that we need to pass it or police
The President’s Jobs Plan:  In My Opinion
The President’s Jobs Plan: In My Opinion
The President’s Jobs Plan: In My Opinion
President Obama is set to give his speech to the nation tonight in front of Congress.  In it, he has promised his vaunted jobs plan that he said was so good that we needed to wait until today just to hear it. The interesting thing about this is that part of the plan have leaked out enough to show us what this really is...
Obama’s Speech Tonight
Obama’s Speech Tonight
Obama’s Speech Tonight
President Obama will unveil a 300 billion dollar tonight during his speech. Its expected the plan will focus on infrastructure and targeted tax cuts. The speech will begin at 6 o'clock and is set to last for 45 minutes. Senator David Vitter has stated what he will be doing during the presidents speech...
President Obama After The Certificate Is Unveiled
President Obama After The Certificate Is Unveiled
President Obama After The Certificate Is Unveiled
President Barack Obama held a press conference yesterday to reveal is long-from birth certificate after more than two years of questions about whether or not the President is an American citizen?  Mike Majchrowitz with Fox News chats with the hosts of "Mornings With Ken and Bernie".

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