Bobby Jindal

Gov Jindal Has Nearly $4M In Campaign Account
Gov Jindal Has Nearly $4M In Campaign Account
Gov Jindal Has Nearly $4M In Campaign Account
Gov. Bobby Jindal has nearly $4 million in his campaign account, even after wrapping up his election costs and tallying much of his inauguration ceremony spending. Jindal's latest campaign finance reports were filed Wednesday with the state ethics administration office.
Jindal’s Campaign Promise In Question After Latest Former Lawmaker Gets High-Paying State Government Job
Jindal’s Campaign Promise In Question After Latest Former Lawmaker Gets High-Paying State Government Job
Jindal’s Campaign Promise In Question After Latest Former Lawmaker Gets High-Paying State Government Job
A political analyst comments on the latest former lawmaker getting a high-paying within state government. As Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon's new chief deputy, Noble Ellington will make $150,000 a year. Donelon says Ellington will be an asset to his department, but analyst Bernie Pinsonat says there are some in the public who question whether he's qualified for the job...
Vitter Not Planning On Run For Governor In 2015
Vitter Not Planning On Run For Governor In 2015
Vitter Not Planning On Run For Governor In 2015
Senator David Vitter squashing any rumors that he may be possibly running for governor in the future. Vitter, like Governor Jindal, became involved in a number of statewide elections this past fall. But the US Senator says helping certain candidates campaign last fall doesn't mean he's eyeing the Governor's Mansion in 2015...
Jindal Lays Out Proposals For Economic Development Reforms
Jindal Lays Out Proposals For Economic Development Reforms
Jindal Lays Out Proposals For Economic Development Reforms
Governor Bobby Jindal is looking to make Louisiana more attractive for business. In his four proposed economic development reforms, Jindal wants to offer a ten-year property tax exemption to attract companies in targeted sectors, companies that have the capacity to generate substantial new growth in jobs, sales and tax revenue.
Governor Jindal Calls On LAE Director To Resign
Governor Jindal Calls On LAE Director To Resign
Governor Jindal Calls On LAE Director To Resign
Governor Bobby Jindal continues to criticize the state's largest teachers' union, this time calling for the resignation of the group's executive director. At the center of the controversy are comments Louisiana Federation of Teachers Executive Director Steve Monaghan made in an interview with the New Orleans Times Picayune.
Former Lafayette Rep. Rickey Hardy Appointed To Pardon Board
Former Lafayette Rep. Rickey Hardy Appointed To Pardon Board
Former Lafayette Rep. Rickey Hardy Appointed To Pardon Board
One former local lawmaker has been appointed to a state government board by Governor Jindal. Rickey Hardy of Lafayette is now a member of the Pardon Board - one of the board's that gives a salary to its members. The five member board makes recommendations to the governor about clemency applications...
State Teacher’s Union Speaks Out Against Jindal Plan
State Teacher’s Union Speaks Out Against Jindal Plan
State Teacher’s Union Speaks Out Against Jindal Plan
A state teachers' union giving its own ideas on education reforms. Louisiana Association of Educators President Joyce Haynes says the group is against many of Governor Jindal's reform plans. She says they are against new teacher performance reviews that include using students' standardized test scores as half a teacher's evaluation...
Jindal Wants To Reform State Employee Retirement Program
Jindal Wants To Reform State Employee Retirement Program
Jindal Wants To Reform State Employee Retirement Program
Governor Bobby Jindal says he can save taxpayers millions of dollars with his new proposals for reforming the state employee retirement program. Jindal says with the retirement program costing taxpayers nearly $2 billion this year alone, now is the time that workers should contribute more to their own retirement...

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