Fourth DWI Offense Of A Sulphur Man
A Sulphur man is behind bars after drinking and driving.
Lafayette Businesses Checked For Underaged Sales
There were many more businesses that did not sell alcohol to minors than those that did.
Marriage Causes Women To Drink More?
A new study is making the claim that women tend to drink more when they are married than when they are divorced. On the flip side, the study claims that men drink more when divorced than when they are married.
Corinne Reczek was the study's author and said that men still drink more overall than women do, but that women are starting to catch up...
Lafayette Police Department Conduct Underage Alcohol Business Check
The underage alcohol check yields two results.
Dr. Jill Waggoner Disagrees With Drinking While Pregnant Research
Dr. Waggoner says a woman needs to decide whether the health of her baby is worth a drink.
Underage Check And OWI Checkpoint Over The Weekend In Lafayette
The Lafayette Police Department had a busy Saturday evening.
Impaired Drivers In Lafayette Beware
Lafayette Police continue to work to rid the streets of impaired drivers.
Joy Ride Puts A Charenton Man Behind Bars
Police got a complaint about a driver who had left the roadway and struck a tree.
Monroe Woman Arrested In Daughter’s Stabbing
A Monroe woman has been charged with stabbing her daughter.