
It’s National School Lunch Week!
It’s National School Lunch Week!
It’s National School Lunch Week!
Lafayette Parish School System celebrates healthy school lunches and lifestyles as National School Lunch Week aims to get kids excited about healthy foods and exercise.
Pamper Yourself With Seize The Deal!
Pamper Yourself With Seize The Deal!
Pamper Yourself With Seize The Deal!
Dynasty Chinese Restaurant: $17.50 for $25 towards food (30% off) Vermilion House Bistro: $14 for $20 towards food (30% off) Coccolare Spa: $84 for $120 toward Dermalogica Skincare Package (30% off)
Boys Are Hitting Puberty Earlier Than Ever
Boys Are Hitting Puberty Earlier Than Ever
Boys Are Hitting Puberty Earlier Than Ever
Fifteen years ago, researchers began to notice that girls were hitting puberty earlier than usual. Now they've discovered that boys are showing their first signs of sexual maturation an average of up to two years before their counterparts from a few decades ago
If You Have Two Minutes, You Have Time for a Great Workout
If You Have Two Minutes, You Have Time for a Great Workout
If You Have Two Minutes, You Have Time for a Great Workout
We have all seen those annoying late night commercials advertising ridiculous fitness products catering to a fat and lazy population looking to get into shape with minimal effort. Well, turns out there might actually be something to all this minimal effort business.
Smile! It’s Good for Your Heart
Smile! It’s Good for Your Heart
Smile! It’s Good for Your Heart
Ever been told to “grin and bear it” during a rough time? According to a new study by researchers at the University of Kansas, that advice might be more than just an old cliché. In fact, the study says, smiling might just be good for your heart.
New Research Reveals That Taller People More Likely to Die of Cancer
New Research Reveals That Taller People More Likely to Die of Cancer
New Research Reveals That Taller People More Likely to Die of Cancer
Some promising new research has surfaced that indicates that tall people are less likely to suffer strokes, psychotic breakdowns or die from heart disease than the shorter of the breed. However, the same research says that these same vertically-endowed humans are doomed at best, to die of cancer.

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