Joe Biden

Maybe It’s Time For Joe Biden To Go
Maybe It’s Time For Joe Biden To Go
Maybe It’s Time For Joe Biden To Go
I have said many things over the course of the last three years and one of them that has been consistent has been just how humorous Vice President Joe Biden is.  He has stuck his foot in his mouth more times than anyone in American political history...
David Vitter Talks Gator Tags, Obamacare, And Joe Biden
David Vitter Talks Gator Tags, Obamacare, And Joe Biden
David Vitter Talks Gator Tags, Obamacare, And Joe Biden
US Senator David Vitter stopped by "Mornings with Ken and Bernie" today to discuss some national and local issues. The Senator has been busy attending town hall meetings across the state in order to address the individual needs of communities across Louisiana...
Holy Bad Comparisons : Batman to Obama?  Romney to Bane?
Holy Bad Comparisons : Batman to Obama? Romney to Bane?
Holy Bad Comparisons : Batman to Obama? Romney to Bane?
The Obama Campaign for President seems to think it can now score points for making pop culture comparisons.  Wheel in the latest that compares Mitt Romney to the latest menace to Batman in Bane..  And if that isn't enough, the campaign is now comparing Barack Obama and Joe Biden to Batman and Robin ...
Biden Sets The Tone For Campaign…Again
Biden Sets The Tone For Campaign…Again
Biden Sets The Tone For Campaign…Again
Joe Biden said something today that could set the tone for the campaign, or at the very least set up a couple of campaign commercials for Team Romney.  In comments, he said that for the unemployed, it is a depression.  Is he right and will this bite President Obama in his bid for reelection...