mary landrieu

Mary Landrieu Has Announced Her Re-election Bid – Will You Support Her?
Mary Landrieu Has Announced Her Re-election Bid – Will You Support Her?
Mary Landrieu Has Announced Her Re-election Bid – Will You Support Her?
Senator Mary Landrieu has announced that she is seeking a 4th term as one of the Senators from the state of Louisiana.  She has made news in many ways over the last several years, including as having taken part in what was then called "The Louisiana Purchase," which referenced her voting for Obamacare in return for $300 million in Medicaid dollars that she claims Governor Jindal asked fo
Louisiana’s Elected Officials Want More Information On Proposed Postal Facility Closings
Louisiana’s Elected Officials Want More Information On Proposed Postal Facility Closings
Louisiana’s Elected Officials Want More Information On Proposed Postal Facility Closings
Senators and Congressmen across Louisiana sent a letter today requesting that the United States Postal Service (USPS) provide more detailed information on its proposal to close Processing and Distribution Centers (P&DCs) in New Orleans and Lafayette, both of which are being considered for consolidation with the Baton Rouge facility.
GO Zone Extension
GO Zone Extension
GO Zone Extension
Senator Mary Landrieu says she's received two letters from state and national officials supporting an extension for the GO Zone through next year.

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