As if we needed more evidence of bias in the media, along comes the New York Times to provide it.
For most of us, we would likely agree that Romney handily won the first debate. The rest were closer, but came up as a tie or slight edge to one or the other...
ABC's Jake Tapper made a recent comment that he felt like the media was failing the country. That from a recent interview where he said that the media seems to focus on things that they shouldn't be. He made mention of the economy and jobs being on the minds of most Americans...
The Media Research Center recently put together an analysis of the media coverage of the recent Mitt Romney overseas trip. Their findings only prove what so many have been saying for so long. Media coverage of the trip was 86 percent about the bad things that happened on the trip...
NBC News political director Chuck Todd admitted on MSNBC that their recent Presidential poll was skewed in favor of Democrats more than their last poll that they put out.
In the recent poll, there was a 6 point lead for the President over Mitt Romney...
The idea of a liberal slant to the media is not a new one. We have heard it since before the days of Fox News when all you had were the big 3 and then CNN. Evidence of bias is pretty easy to come by, but not more so than this article, which made me think twice about what some people have said about CNN.