
TOPS Restructuring Shot Down By Governor Jindal
TOPS Restructuring Shot Down By Governor Jindal
TOPS Restructuring Shot Down By Governor Jindal
Governor Bobby Jindal has expressed his opposition to a recommendation to restructure the TOPS program to be the same for all schools instead of calculating by the tuition. The new plan would set two separate levels of TOPS. The first would be for community colleges and the second for Universities The plan, set forth by the higher education Governance Commission was rejected by Governor Jindal aft
This is What Occupy Sounds Like : Afternoon
This is What Occupy Sounds Like : Afternoon
This is What Occupy Sounds Like : Afternoon
If you've ever wondered what the Occupy movement is after, you're not alone.  Many people have wondered what they want and we have heard more than one version of their demands.  Now there is yet another demand.  They want to print their own money... ...
BP Buys Gulf Coast Millions
BP Buys Gulf Coast Millions
BP Buys Gulf Coast Millions
NEW ORLEANS (AP) — An Associated Press investigation shows that in the year since the Gulf oil spill, officials along the coast have gone on a spending spree with BP money, dropping tens of millions of dollars on gadgets, vehicles and gear — much of which had little to do with the cleanup.