
ROUND 2! Texas Should Prepare For Another Winter Disaster , Here’s Why
ROUND 2! Texas Should Prepare For Another Winter Disaster , Here’s Why
ROUND 2! Texas Should Prepare For Another Winter Disaster , Here’s Why
Give yourself a round of applause Texas, because we safely made it through the winter storm. As most of us were aware the weather did affect the state by frozen pipes, no running water, and some outages. Now that life is beginning to get back to normal, and the winter weather in Texas is in the mid-60s again, Texans feel like they can finally exhale and get back to their daily routine...
Texas On Rare New Worldwide 'The Best' List
Texas On Rare New Worldwide 'The Best' List
Texas On Rare New Worldwide 'The Best' List
I do not know what kind of vacations your family has planned this year or the type of budget, but if I can check out one of the best places to visit on Earth literally out my Texas backdoor, you better believe that place is going to the top of the list.
15 Forbidden Foods that are Banned in the State of Texas
15 Forbidden Foods that are Banned in the State of Texas
15 Forbidden Foods that are Banned in the State of Texas
As for me, I appreciate the fact that some of these 'foods' aren't available or are out-and-out banned. In my opinion, some foods are potentially too dangerous and not worth the risk. Others are created or harvested in ways that seem so unethical, that consuming them seems beneath the dignity of otherwise caring, good-hearted people. Again, that's just my opinion.
RUDE! 12 Things Texans Should Stop Doing Immediately at the Grocery Store
RUDE! 12 Things Texans Should Stop Doing Immediately at the Grocery Store
RUDE! 12 Things Texans Should Stop Doing Immediately at the Grocery Store
There are some behaviors many of us have seen that may immediately come to mind. Brazenly cutting in line is a HUGE no-no. That should be a given. Insulting people seems fairly obvious, but I've still seen it happen. Heaven help the person who goes after the last bag of Flamin' Hot Cheetos when THESE people are nearby.

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