
Hasbro Introduces Easy-Bake Oven for Boys
Hasbro Introduces Easy-Bake Oven for Boys
Hasbro Introduces Easy-Bake Oven for Boys
Ever since it was introduced in 1963, the Easy-Bake Oven has been marketed exclusively to girls, leaving aspiring boy chefs out in the cold. But that's about to change thanks to a campaign led by a teen girl on behalf of her four-year-old brother, who loves to cook.
The Top 15 Toys for the Upcoming Holiday Season: The New Wii, One Direction Dolls and … Furby Again?
The Top 15 Toys for the Upcoming Holiday Season: The New Wii, One Direction Dolls and … Furby Again?
The Top 15 Toys for the Upcoming Holiday Season: The New Wii, One Direction Dolls and … Furby Again?
We know, we know—it's only September. When it comes to toys, though, it's never too early to start thinking about the holiday season, especially for retailers. It is big business. Huge business. The buying frenzy of the holidays can comprise 40 percent of the total annual profit for a toy store. With this in mind, Toys R Us has released their 2012 Holiday Hot Toy List to get a head start on the ho
Etch-A-Sketch Responds to Mitt Romney Gaffe
Etch-A-Sketch Responds to Mitt Romney Gaffe
Etch-A-Sketch Responds to Mitt Romney Gaffe
Last week, Mitt Romney‘s campaign adviser, Eric Fehrnstrom, likened his candidate’s plan to retool and change message once he secured the GOP nomination to the classic toy the Etch-A-Sketch. “You can kind of shake it up and we start all over again,” Fehrnstrom said during the now notorious CNN interview. While changing courses for a general election is pretty standard practice, it’s not something
More Toy Safety Advice
More Toy Safety Advice
More Toy Safety Advice
Shoppers who have to go out and get gifts for children are continually being warned this holiday season to make sure they know the toys they are spending money on are actually safe for kids.