
State Paying Tab For Jindal’s Travel
State Paying Tab For Jindal’s Travel
State Paying Tab For Jindal’s Travel
According to this recent article, the State of Louisiana is paying the tab for Governor Bobby Jindal when he travels out of state.  While that does not mean that we pay for airline tickets for the Governor or any of the other things associated with travel, what we do pay for is Governor Jindal's security...
Americans Are Still Traveling This Thanksgiving, Just Not Very Far
Americans Are Still Traveling This Thanksgiving, Just Not Very Far
Americans Are Still Traveling This Thanksgiving, Just Not Very Far
Holiday travel will bring increased traffic to the American highways this Thanksgiving weekend. However, with many families still simply trying to operate day-to-day on shoestring budgets, people are expected to plan shorter trips to carve their turkeys this year as a means to save money on fuel and other expenses.
Ryanair Boss Admits You Don’t Really Need a Seat Belt on an Airplane
Ryanair Boss Admits You Don’t Really Need a Seat Belt on an Airplane
Ryanair Boss Admits You Don’t Really Need a Seat Belt on an Airplane
Have you ever wondered exactly how wearing a seat belt is beneficial to your safety when traveling by airplane? Apparently, you are not alone. Budget airliner Ryanair is currently trying to implement a “standing room only” cabin for its passengers, allowing them to travel without any restraints.
10 Fictional Bars You Can Actually Visit
10 Fictional Bars You Can Actually Visit
10 Fictional Bars You Can Actually Visit
If you’re a TV and cinema buff, as well as a barfly, you just might be able to combine your passions together. The characters inhabiting our film and television fantasy worlds need places to hang out, just like we do.
TSA Firing 25 Workers, but Not Because of That Horrible Security Report or All the Stealing
TSA Firing 25 Workers, but Not Because of That Horrible Security Report or All the Stealing
TSA Firing 25 Workers, but Not Because of That Horrible Security Report or All the Stealing
According to reports from the Transportation Security Administration, the agency plans to clean a little house at the Newark International Airport by firing 25 employees and suspending 19 others for alleged misconduct. In a seemingly related pair of stories, a recent internal TSA investigation revealed frequent security failures, while an ABC News story investigated rampant theft at the TSA. Howev
Now There’s A Way to Beat the Baggage Rules
Now There’s A Way to Beat the Baggage Rules
Now There’s A Way to Beat the Baggage Rules
I'm a guy that loves innovation.  That's why I couldn't believe what I saw when I saw this new luggage/jacket combo. If you've ever traveled by air, you know what a pain it is to have to pay for checked luggage.  In addition, when you have to figure out if the carry-on you do have works for the plane, you take extra time and trouble...
Obama Vacation Costs : Afternoon Drive Home
Obama Vacation Costs : Afternoon Drive Home
Obama Vacation Costs : Afternoon Drive Home
Apparently, it takes nearly half a million dollars to send the First Lady and her daughters to Africa. Also, the Obama Daughters were listed on the manifest as "senior staff." What do you think about this?  No big deal or something that we need to address...

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