Baton Rouge, LA (KPEL News) - Tim Temple will take over as Louisiana State Insurance Commissioner in January. Temple plans to hit the ground running and is already addressing the insurance debacle plaguing Louisiana homeowners and drivers.

He wants to hear your frustrations and how you think his office can fix it.

Louisiana homeowners gasped when insurance bills began arriving at their homes earlier this year. The more than 140,000 Louisiana Citizens policyholder saw rate hikes of over 60% for hazard, wind, and hail coverage. People are paying a whopping 230% more for flood insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program.

Ridiculously high insurance rates can and do affect the housing market, too. Buyer finds their dream house, the mortgage payment fits their budget, and then the insurance rates make it unachievable. Current homeowners already report that their insurance payments, in some cases, are more than their mortgage.

Temple has recruited five people to head up teams who will tackle the homeowners, automobile, life and health, and the future of insurance in the state.

He's requesting that we, the citizens, share with him our thoughts and ideas, as well.

Temple makes the request on his website:

Too many families and businesses across Louisiana are suffering due to the cost of insurance if they can even afford it at all. Your feedback is very important to me as Insurance Commissioner-Elect and to our transition team. We welcome any suggestions or feedback you might have and value your input. Let us know the things that are working for your family or business as well what’s not working. Your voice matters to me. We will get through this together.

Take a few minutes to fill out the form on his campaign website. Click the "Transition Team" tab at the top of the page, scroll down, and let your voice be heard.

We hope that he and his task force are able to fix Louisiana's insurance issues. At the very least, you can let him know how angry you are about the current state of insurance affairs.

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Gallery Credit: DreDay

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