The Power Of A Father — Not Necessarily The News
Hey! I’m Tootie Landry and this is what I found out today! Yesterday, I had the pleasure of interviewing a young man who reminded me about the power of a Father in someone’s life. This 17 year old has been inspired by his father in every way possible. His Dad taught him what it means to be a leader. I couldn’t help but notice his manners, his contagious smile, and his overall positive spiritual attitude. When I asked him who first spoke to you about God. His answer was, “My Dad.” So how did you learn to overcome adversities you’ve had in your life? He replied, “That’s easy, my Dad!”
Being shocked by some of his answers, I wanted to learn more, so I questioned him about his daily mantra. He stated, “You are going to make mistakes, just keep moving forward.”
Now I’m really puzzled, so I asked him where a seventeen year old would get this. His reply, “My Dad.” Wanting to dig deeper, I asked him about the last book he read. With a huge smile he told me “That’s easy, my Dad and I just read together The Pursuit of Happiness.”
Wow! What a powerful influence Dads can have on their sons. Oh, by the way, I failed to mention his influential father spent six years incarcerated and came out a changed man with a commitment to be a positive influence in his son’s life. And now he proudly sits in the stands on Friday nights watching his son #17, Chris Ozene, starting quarterback for the Northside Viking Football Team. And I’m Tootie Landry and this is “Not Necessarily the News!”