Louisiana is getting back to work. Slowly but surely as restrictions brought on by the coronavirus pandemic are eased back more and more of our state's workers are finding jobs. The current problem, however, is that there are more jobs than people willing to fill them. That's why the Louisiana Workforce Commission is continuing its weeklong series of virtual job fairs today. 

Today's virtual job fair will focus on Transportation Jobs in Louisiana. Prospective employees will need to register ahead of the job fair. Registration can be accomplished at this Louisiana Workforce site. It's also the same site that you will want to log into later today, between 1 pm and 4 pm, to speak with hiring managers who are looking to place employees in the transportation sector.

Tomorrow the virtual job fair focus will switch to careers in Information Technology and also Apprenticeships. Again registration will be required and the virtual job fair will go line online Friday between 9 am and 12 noon.

Now, if transportation or information technology is not your chosen field and you are looking for gainful employment you'll want to check out the jobs available at the Louisiana Workforce website. Right now there are over 20,000 jobs listed. Chances are pretty good that you'll not only find a job you might like but in an area of the state where you'd like to live.

According to the Louisiana Workforce Commission, the state's economy has been energized with 1.7 million non-farm jobs. And employers are currently looking to place thousands of workers. In fact, when comparing employment statistics from April of 2020 to April of 2021 Louisiana has added over 127,000 jobs to the state's economy.

The bottom line is this, there are jobs for people that want to work. Employers are offering some of the best and most generous compensation packages in their history. If you want to work, you simply need to apply.

Okay, now when you get that job we know you're going to love the work but your co-workers, we can't vouch for just yet.

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