If you have a product or idea you think the world needs to know about, you can pitch your idea to the casting folks with ABC TV show Shark Tank later this month.

Shark Tank
Getty Images

The show is holding an open casting call in Dallas. You will have a chance to do a 1-minute pitch of your business/product/idea to a member of the casting team -- just like you would if you made it onto the show.

If you interested, you do have to complete an application packet ahead of time. It must be completely filled out. Get the package here.

These calls are open to the general public, but only a limited number of wristbands will be handed out. Only those who receive a wristband will get to make a pitch.

Here are the details about the Dallas event:

Saturday, January 25th
Nebraska Furniture Mart
5600 Nebraska Furniture Mart Drive
The Colony
9am-11am - wristbands distributed
10am - interviews begin


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