What is the Lafayette Mayor-President’s Position on Tax Renewals on the Ballot?
On Saturday, voters in the City of Lafayette and the Parish of Lafayette will vote on several tax renewals.
In the City of Lafayette, voters will let their voices be heard on city tax renewals that deal with police and fire salaries and benefits.
In the Parish of Lafayette, voters will let their voices be heard on parish tax renewals for the Airport, Drainage, and Libraries. There is a rededication of a portion of the Public Health Millage for Parish Fire Protection.
What Will Appear On Your Ballot?
The initiatives that citizens will be voting on are listed below.
Parish of Lafayette
- Parish-wide Proposition No. 1 of 4 (Airport) - 1.71 Mills Renewal - PC - 10 Yrs. This renewal is important for operations and maintenance at the Lafayette Regional Airport, for the next 10 years. (2023-32, $3.76MM / yr)
- Parish-wide Proposition No. 2 of 4 (Drainage) - 3.58 Mills Cont. - PC - 10 Yrs. This renewal is important for our ongoing parish-wide drainage program, for the next 10 years. (2023-32, $7.88MM / yr)
- Parish-wide Proposition No. 3 of 4 (Library) - 1.84 Mills Renewal - PC - 10 Yrs. This renewal is important for ongoing operations and maintenance of libraries in Lafayette Parish. (2023-32, $4.05MM / yr)
- Parish-wide Proposition No. 4 of 4 (Public Health) - 2.21 Mills Rededication. – PC – .23 Mills to parish fire. This millage is important for our parish public health unit, animal control and care at our no-kill shelter, and mosquito abatement. A portion of the millage will be rededicated to improving parish fire services. (Through 2025, $4.85MM/yr)
City of Lafayette
- City of Lafayette Prop. No. 1 of 2 - 3 Mills Renewal - CC - 10 Yrs. – This millage is important for the city’s ability to pay police salaries and salary related benefits. (2023-32, $4.63MM/yr)
- City of Lafayette Prop. No. 2 of 2 - 2 Mills Renewal - CC - 10 Yrs. – This millage is important for the city’s ability to pay fire salaries and salary related benefits. (2023-32, $3.08MM/yr)
What is Josh Guillory's Position on Tax Renewals on the November 13th Ballot?
Over the last week, Lafayette Mayor-President Josh Guillory has voiced his opinions about these tax renewals and has made his position very clear:
I support these measures, and am pleased that they are also endorsed by many of my fellow elected officials, as well as the Republican Party of Lafayette Parish. These are not new taxes. They are renewals of existing taxes that are critical to the ongoing operations and maintenance of rheir respective departments.
Last week, Guillory spoke on the airport tax renewal:
With our new terminal opening in January, this renewal takes on even greater importance.
On Wednesday, Guillory spoke on the library parish tax renewal:
We have a long tradition here in Lafayette Parish, supporting our libraries, and promoting reading for learning, literacy and enjoyment. Let's put our libraries in the best position to succeed, providing important services to our people.
How will you vote on Saturday? Will you even take the time to vote on Saturday?
Lafayette Mayor-President Josh Guillory hopes you do.
"Please take time to vote for these important renewals and rededication," says Guillory. "Our airport, our libraries, our drainage program, and our police and fire personnel are depending on you."