Acadiana Pollen Counts Lower This Week
Luke Bryan has sung it and the website pollen.com has confirmed it. Rain is in fact, a good thing. At least when it come to pollen. The onslaught of tropical moisture that all of Acadiana was subject to the past seven days has done a good job of calming down the pollen counts for the Acadiana area.
Most allergy sufferers with pollen allergies will find the next couple of days a little more bearable. In fact, Monday's pollen forecast is only in the mid-high range. We had been at the very top of the pollen charts for most of the past few weeks. Tuesday through Friday should be even easier to bear with counts in the medium range all week. The most predominate pollens will come from oak trees, hickory trees and a variety of grasses.
Most allergy sufferers should be able to calm their symptoms by taking over the counter medications. If your conditions persist please consult your physician as there are many treatment options available to you.
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