The "Ring of Fire" solar eclipse took place this morning, and several people have been posting shots of the celestial event.

The prime viewing area was in the northeast portion of the United States and up into Canada, so we really didn't get to see any of it from here. Lucky for us, though, several people were kind enough to share their pictures and videos online.

From my understanding, there are only a total of between 20,000 and 30,000 people who live in the path of the true eclipse. That means, in the grand scheme of things, only about 0.0008 percent of the population of Canada and the US would actually be able to see the "Ring of Fire". Most of the photos and videos submitted were taken from an area not close enough to the path to get the true ring.

Scroll through the following photos for the pics and vids from some of the prime viewing places.

This series of photos was taken in Quebec.

Chicago had a little bit of a show this morning over Lake Michigan.

VirtualAstro was able to catch a decent picture with an iPhone.

Near perfect conditions for those in Petrie Island in Ottawa, Canada.

New York checking in with a nice crescent near Lake Ontario.

Another nice series from our neighbors to the north.

Even though this area of Maine had some clouds, Rob Wright was still able to work some magic.

Whoever was able to grab this shot was certainly in the eclipse's path. Look at that ring!

This shot almost seems unreal - such a perfect crescent.

Maybe my favorite series in this post, taken from the Chesapeake Bay.

Another one from Maine; this one in time-lapse mode.

This video, from New Jersey, looks like something evil is rising from the sea.

I like the way the photographer took a picture of his camera's display; it allows you to see what the naked eye sees, and also see what the camera sees. Great shot!

A nice shot from Washington, DC.

The Associated Press posted this shot from Toronto, Canada.

The next photo shows the progression of the eclipse with a sailboat in the forefront. Not the worst place I can think of to get a glimpse of an eclipse.

Another shot from New Jersey.

And I had to throw this one in there, because humor, right?

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