Attention Turning to 2019 Governor’s Race
Now that the state has found a solution to the fiscal cliff with the passage of a sales tax bill, the focus in state politics will turn towards next year's governor's race. GOP House Chairman Lance Harris says Republicans remain committed towards reducing the size of state government, but that can't happen with Democratic Governor John Bel Edwards in office.
"This governor has defeated every budget reform idea that we've put forth," said Harris. "We continue to pass them and hopefully we'll get the right person in the governor's office."
But House Democratic Caucus Chairman Robert Johnson says the Democratic coalition’s ability to preserve healthcare, higher ed, and TOPS sends a strong message about the party’s values heading into the governor’s race, as well as their success in solving the budget crisis created by the last Republican administration.
"In the eight years of Governor Jindal, we were in gimmicks and tricks and all kinds of things to balance a budget. This is the first time we've had a governor that has done honest budgeting."
Qualifying for the 2019 governor's race is just over 13 months away. Republican US Senator John Kennedy and GOP Congressman Ralph Abraham have both said they are considering a run against Edwards.