Broussard Gets Animal Control Cut Off From Lafayette City-Parish Government
The Lafayette city-parish government stopped providing animal control services due to a ongoing lawsuit being pursued by Broussard officials dealing with about 200 acres of annexed land along Ambassador Caffery.
City-Parish President Joey Durel says that he wanted to end the animal control contract and possibly other contractual services if Broussard doesn't drop the lawsuit.
Durel mentioned that no city has an obligation to do business with another city. Broussard pays Lafayette $52,000 a year for the service, but the contract expires on Wednesday, November 7th. Broussard officials are calling for the Lafayette City-Parish council to take up the issue, which could possibly force the administration to do something.
The relationship between Durel and Broussard Mayor Charles Langlinais has been especially difficult since a water diversion incident.
Broussard was purchasing water wholesale from LUS, but an alleged bypassed meter resulted in more than $800,000 in free water, a sum that LUS asked to be reimbursed. Broussard did pay the reimbursement, but then filed a lawsuit to have Lafayette pay it back.
Until the issue is resolved, Broussard will be relying on St. Martin parish for animal control on a call-to-call basis.