
Collection of all holiday-related content

10 Great Ideas for Donations to Your Local Food Bank
10 Great Ideas for Donations to Your Local Food Bank
10 Great Ideas for Donations to Your Local Food Bank
This time of year, food banks are working extra hard to keep their shelves stocked. If you're in a charitable mood, you might be wondering what exactly these charities are looking for in the way of donations. A recent thread on Reddit explored just that. Numerous commenters with experience either working at or patronizing food banks offered their thoughts on the best items to donate—and it's not j
How to Celebrate Memorial Day in GIF Form
How to Celebrate Memorial Day in GIF Form
How to Celebrate Memorial Day in GIF Form
Americans across the country celebrate Memorial Day in honor of those who have died while in the military service. Though it's a day of remembrance, it also kicks off the most fun part of the year -- summer! For many, Memorial Day signals the beginning of beach season and barbecues. So let's celebrate America with these fun GIFs!
10 BBQ Fails to Avoid on Memorial Day
10 BBQ Fails to Avoid on Memorial Day
10 BBQ Fails to Avoid on Memorial Day
Got any Memorial Day plans? Maybe you’re heading to a parade and dressing up in those American flag shorts (guilty). Or perhaps heading to the public pool to kick off swimming season is more your style. Whatever you do, there’s one Memorial Day staple that all Americans must experience on Monday— the BBQ.
13 Animals Kicking It in Kiddie Pools for Memorial Day
13 Animals Kicking It in Kiddie Pools for Memorial Day
13 Animals Kicking It in Kiddie Pools for Memorial Day
Hooo boy, it is so close to being summer, we can practically hear the incessant song of the ice cream truck already. Frankly we don't want to wait until Monday to kick off the season. We can't. We've lost all control. Here are some pics of animals in kiddie pools to prove it.
How Was Your Mardi Gras?
How Was Your Mardi Gras?
How Was Your Mardi Gras?
Mardi Gras is one of the most fun events that happens in South Louisiana.  Even with the rain, that didn't seem to dampen the spirits of those celebrating in Lafayette.  But what about your day?  Did you have a great day this year?  Vote in our poll and let us know how it went for you...
Mardi Gras Around the Country
Mardi Gras Around the Country
Mardi Gras Around the Country
While you can't say that Mardi Gras is a uniquely Louisianan event, you can say that the state has the market cornered on the amount of celebrations.  Still, there are others that celebrate as far and as wide as California, Michigan and even Wisconsin...

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