
Not The iPhone 5, but the iPhone 4S : In Our Opinion
Not The iPhone 5, but the iPhone 4S : In Our Opinion
Not The iPhone 5, but the iPhone 4S : In Our Opinion
So it's not the 5.  Still, the iPhone has been upgraded and the excitement has begun.  But what does it offer and is it worth it? Based on what we've heard from Apple, it sounds like it just might be.  The phone itself will be twice as fast as the 4 and boasts of Siri technology that will let the phone respond to simple questions, like, "Will I need a raincoat today...
October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Saturday was the start of "Breast Cancer Awareness Month".   This is the month when women who don't have breast cancer wear pink, thank God, and try to rally around the women in their lives with breast cancer.  Those that have it...
My Opinion: ACLU And Others Decry Killing Of American Militant Without Due Process
My Opinion: ACLU And Others Decry Killing Of American Militant Without Due Process
My Opinion: ACLU And Others Decry Killing Of American Militant Without Due Process
Anwar al-Awlaki, an Al Qaeda leader, and Samir Kahn who edited an internet magazine for Al Qaeda were killed early Friday by US forces.  The ACLU and others including Ron Paul have raised "due process" concerns.  Paul told Fox News  " No one likes these kind of people, but I also like the rule of law and I like our Constitution, that you don't just target people, assassinate them
Underwear Run Can Be A Valuable Protest…:In Our Opinion
Underwear Run Can Be A Valuable Protest…:In Our Opinion
Underwear Run Can Be A Valuable Protest…:In Our Opinion
Utah was the scene over the weekend for an event that was sure to bare the feelings of it's participants...among other things.  Those taking part were protesting the "uptight" laws of their state.  The organizers of the event said that "baring all" was not an option, so those that were taking part were dressed in bras, underwear, boxers, swimwear and the like...
Presidential Poll Shows Interesting Trend for Romney : In Our Opinion
Presidential Poll Shows Interesting Trend for Romney : In Our Opinion
Presidential Poll Shows Interesting Trend for Romney : In Our Opinion
Some interesting numbers from Gallup on the Presidential race.  While Mitt Romney has come in second for the last month or so in the GOP race, these numbers bode well for the former Massachusetts Governor.  According to the poll, more registered voters say they will or they might vote for Governor Romney than they would for President Obama or Texas Governor Rick Perry...
Electoral College on the Way Out? : In Our Opinion
Electoral College on the Way Out? : In Our Opinion
Electoral College on the Way Out? : In Our Opinion
One of the arguments that comes up from time to time is that the Electoral College, as set up by the Constitution, is outdated.  Many say that the true will of the people can only be reflected by honoring the popular vote.  That would have meant that Al Gore would have been elected President in 2000 rather than George W...
A Fix for the Post Office : In Our Opinion
A Fix for the Post Office : In Our Opinion
A Fix for the Post Office : In Our Opinion
A recent article from MSNBC talks about how the post office continues to lose money and that they are being forced to close some offices, streamline operations and lay off some workers.  This is the culmination of many years of less and less letters being sent combined with higher costs and no return...
Jindal Says He Doesn’t Want VP Slot: In Our Opinion
Jindal Says He Doesn’t Want VP Slot: In Our Opinion
Jindal Says He Doesn’t Want VP Slot: In Our Opinion
In a recent interview with Fox News, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal talked about Rick Perry's record in the state of Texas.  When he was asked whether or not he would like to have a job in a Republican administration, Rick Perry's or otherwise, he said he was not interested in being a part of that and that he was more interested in jobs coming to Americans, and those right here in Louisiana... Re
A True 9/11 Memorial:  In Our Opinion
A True 9/11 Memorial: In Our Opinion
A True 9/11 Memorial: In Our Opinion
Over the weekend, we had the opportunity to reflect on 9/11 and see the opening of the new memorial at the former site of the Twin Towers.  It's a terrific display of waterfalls, the names of the fallen and many other pieces that were a part of the national identity during those horrible days when we were all glued to the television, watching what we hoped wasn't true, but knew was...
The President’s Jobs Plan:  In My Opinion
The President’s Jobs Plan: In My Opinion
The President’s Jobs Plan: In My Opinion
President Obama is set to give his speech to the nation tonight in front of Congress.  In it, he has promised his vaunted jobs plan that he said was so good that we needed to wait until today just to hear it. The interesting thing about this is that part of the plan have leaked out enough to show us what this really is...
Rep. Anthony Weiner….”Just My Opinion”
Rep. Anthony Weiner….”Just My Opinion”
Rep. Anthony Weiner….”Just My Opinion”
Anthony Weiner, another lackluster politician is brought into the national spotlight by under estimating the power of social networking.  It's "Just My Opinion" but it seems like there is another problem.