State News

Articles pertaining to events in the Louisiana area

Fishermen in Mississippi Save 38 Dogs from Drowning in Lake
Fishermen in Mississippi Save 38 Dogs from Drowning in Lake
Fishermen in Mississippi Save 38 Dogs from Drowning in Lake
The fisherman noticed the hound dogs were all wearing matching expensive radio collars with white paint on them. It was obvious to Gist that the dogs were clearly lost and had been treading water for a while. The dogs couldn't see the shore and were at least a mile away from the shore.
Alison Solis Email Scam Resurfaces in Louisiana and Texas
Alison Solis Email Scam Resurfaces in Louisiana and Texas
Alison Solis Email Scam Resurfaces in Louisiana and Texas
However, while this email scam is new to me, it appears to be a resurfacing of an old scare tactic that attempts to get the recipient to click the link provided in the email. Sure, you could just not click it but the way the email is worded may have you convinced you are needed in court.

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