The Louisiana Jeepers will be hosting a Christmas Toy Drive on Saturday, November 27th, 2021.

The Louisiana Jeepers is one of the state's largest Jeep clubs, and they have been giving back to Acadiana since 2006. From participating in fundraisers of all kinds, lining the roadway for military funeral processions, towing floats in the Sonic Christmas Parade to organizing and holding their own major fundraisers, the Louisiana Jeepers are deeply rooted in Acadiana.

Their latest event is an attempt to bring a little Christmas cheer to some youngsters who are in a situation over which they had no control: the children of incarcerated parents.

Hand on Jail Bars
Photo courtesy of tamirlan-maratov-sDgHXXRk4zo-unsplash

The Toy Drive on November 27th will be collecting toys to donate to Little Lambs, an organization that reaches out to children of inmates.

Little Lambs is an outreach of Innerfaith Prison Ministry whose purpose is to help the kids of inmates regain their self-worth and feel valued and loved, in an attempt to restore the family unit that has been destroyed by crime.

According to Innerfaith Prison Ministry, 69% of the children of inmates will, themselves, end up in prison at some point. The goal of Little Lambs is to bring healing, forgiveness, restoration to change this statistic.

Each year the Ministry, through its Little Lambs program, hosts a Christmas Party for the children of incarcerated parents. At that party, each child gets 2 Christmas presents and a food box for their family.

Image courtesy of Louisiana Jeepers
Image courtesy of Louisiana Jeepers

The fun part of all of this great work begins at 9am on November 27th in the South College Center parking lot, in front of Ricky Smith Audio.

Louisiana Jeepers Little Lambs Christmas Toy Drive via Facebook
Louisiana Jeepers Little Lambs Christmas Toy Drive via Facebook

The Louisiana Jeepers will be set up with their Jeeps on full display, ready to receive new toys from you to donate to these kids who, through no fault of their own, might not otherwise be getting anything for Christmas.

Photo courtesy of Louisiana Jeepers
Photo courtesy of Louisiana Jeepers

As you are out and about on Black Friday and Saturday doing the Christmas shopping for your family, pick up one or two extra toys and drop them off with the Louisiana Jeepers. Your donation will help Little Lambs make this year's Christmas a little more special for someone.

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