Freedom Partners Monitoring Steep ObamaCare Deductible Increases (AUDIO)
Chances are if you enrolled in one af many ObamaCare health insurance policies you have witnessed a steep increase in insurance premiums or deductibles.
The gnashing of teeth that has followed from the induction of ObamaCare has only gotten more severe as families tighten their belts to be able to afford health insurance.
Nathan Nascimento, Senior Policy Advisor at Freedom Partners, joined KPEL's Rob and Bernie this morning to discuss what his organization is doing to keep you aware of the fluctuating increases in deductibles for the federal program.
Nascimento said ObamaCare enrollees are getting frustrated at the rapid increase in deductibles, the premium increases and the fraud involved in the system. For this reason, among others, is why the Freedom Partners have developed the 2016 ObamaCare Deductible Increase Tracker.
The tracker lists average deductible increase per plan offered on the Affordable Care Act exchange, along with the weighted average deductible increase.
In Louisiana, enrollees face an average deductible increase of $673 across the three care levels. Neighbors in Mississippi are at the top of the nation's list facing an exorbitant $1,395 average increase across the board.
In total, 41 states saw average deductibles increase, with 17 states—representing over half of total exchange enrollment—seeing double-digit spikes. The largest increases were in Mississippi (39 percent), Washington (31 percent), South Carolina (26 percent), Louisiana (24 percent) and Florida (23 percent).
Freedom Partners is a non-profit, non-partisan, 501(c)(6) chamber of commerce located in Arlington, Virginia.