You see this kind of thing in the movie but no one expects to see it in real life.

However, this situation took place in Yonkers, New York earlier this week.

An order came through Grubhub’s ordering system which had diner workers a little concerned. Workers at the Chipper Truck Café in Yonkers received an order around 5 am on Sunday for food and assistance. The comment that was left on the order read, "please call the police... please don't make it obvious."


It turns out that the person who made the order was being held hostage by an alleged rapist. Thankfully the workers at the cafe knew exactly what to do and called 911 to go to the residence.

“You could see it was real because it was rushed,” Chipper Truck Café co-owner Alice Bermejo said. “The wording was not right, but you could still understand what they were meaning. So you knew when you read the note, you know it’s not a prank.”

Police arrived at the house and were able to take the suspect into custody where he was charged with several different things, including rape, strangulation, and unlawful imprisonment.

The full story was detailed on the Chipper Truck Café's Facebook page. 

Facebook/ Chipper Truck Café
Facebook/ Chipper Truck Café

GrubHub also reached out to the owners of the café to thank them and gave them a check for $5,000 for doing the right thing.

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