Early Voting Kicks off Friday in Louisiana for Nov 18 Election
SHREVEPORT, LA - We are just a few weeks away from the election on November 18 in Louisiana and that means early voting is now kicking off.
Louisiana Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin wants to remind voters that early voting begins Friday, Nov. 3, and continues through Saturday, Nov. 11 (excluding Sunday, Nov. 5 and Friday, Nov. 10 for Veterans Day). Hours for early voting are 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day.
Where Do You Go to Vote Early?
In Bossier Parish, you can vote at the Registrar's Office in the Courthouse in Benton or at the Bossier Parish Library on Beckett Street in Bossier City.
In Caddo Parish, you can vote at the Registrar's Office on Marshall Street in Downtown Shreveport or at the Shreve Memorial Library Branch on West Bert Kouns.
Secretary Ardoin encourages voters to use the free smartphone app, GeauxVote to get election information. You can view a sample ballot to make sure you know what you will be voting on ahead of time. GeauxBot, the virtual voter assistant, is also available to access pertinent election information such as registration deadlines, election dates, polling locations, and hours. GeauxBot is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by visiting voterportal.sos.la.gov or by selecting Elections and Voting on sos.la.gov.
When you go to the polls, be sure to bring your ID with you. Any concerns about voter issues should be reported to the Secretary of State’s Elections Compliance Unit at 800.722.5305.
If you need more information, or to report potential polling place accessibility issues, please call the Elections Hotline at 800-883-2805, with TDD/TTY access at 711, or email the Elections Division at elections@sos.la.gov.