7 Things Acadiana People Plan to Do after the First Fall Breeze
These sweltering temperatures are just wreaking havoc on all of us. Most people that you talk to will tell you they are staying inside as much as possible because temperatures or so hot and the heat indices make life outside unbearable.
It must be very difficult if you work a construction job, as a roofer, or as a road worker. Our first responders must be constantly drenched when they are responding to emergencies. I get to work indoors, so God bless anyone who has to work outside right now.
If you love this heat then you must be having a party all the time and likely will be able to party into the next several weeks. For people like me, I am so tired of this heat! I have to closely monitor how long I let my dog outside for goodness sake.
I am not so secretly dreaming of fall, but more to the point, the first day when we have a low temperature near 55 degrees. We don't experience that traditional fall so I'll take what I can get, so 55 seems like a dream right now.
When that sacred night happens several months from now, what are you going to be doing? We asked you on social media, "Y'all tell the truth, what's the FIRST thing you're doing after you feel that first Fall breeze of the season?!?!?"
Y'all responded with some GREAT answers, several of which made us laugh out loud! The sarcasm and hilarity had to be shared here. You can still comment on this post and tell us what the first thing is that you are going to do when it actually is the first day of a real cool front.
One of the first things a majority of respondents want to do is to make and eat gumbo. Plenty of people want to eat that gumbo sitting outside on the patio enjoying some good music and a cool breeze.
Open the Windows
When we have that first full day and night in Acadiana where the air is cool a bunch of people in Acadiana say they will be opening up those windows. Let that beautiful crisp fresh into our homes! I can't wait.
Pumpkin Spice
A pumpkin spice drink is something that is already being advertised even if most people think this is just a drink for the fall. Even before the first cool morning in Acadiana, I have heard from several people they are already breaking out their pumpkin spice coffee.
Using the Firepit
Many people want to be able to use their fire pits. I have actually seen two people locally on Facebook who will not let this heat stop them from using their firepits. I can't wait to smell the delicious smell of wood burning on the evening we have temperatures in the 50s.
Just Going Outside
How many people do you know right now that are only going outside to their car to drive back and forth to work? I bet all of them. Plenty of people we asked said they just want to be able to go outside and enjoy the outdoors.
Coffee on the Patio
You can technically go outside and drink your coffee by sitting on your patio, but who would in this insane heat? No one! LOL. Just wait until we have that first cool spark of weather and you will see plenty of people having the morning coffee on the patio.
Those are six things that were repeated multiple times, and the thing that makes the number spot on this list is the people who really took this question "to the next level". There is no shame in their game. They are going to just be.............free.
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