Friday is Clothing Optional in Louisiana – Here’s Why
There is no doubt about it. From New Orleans Louisiana in the state's southeastern corner to Shreveport much further to the north and west it's going to be hot this weekend. In fact, there could be more record-breaking heat for communities such as Lafayette, Lake Charles, and Alexandria this weekend.
And while heat indices in the triple-digits are more than enough reason to make you want to strip off your clothes and bask in whatever breeze there might be, there's actually another reason for a lack of clothing across Louisiana and the rest of the country this weekend.
To be honest, we've been in the throws of National Nude Recreation Week since Monday and that will culminate on Friday with an unofficial holiday known as National Nude Day. And no, it's not one big sex party. It's just basically a bunch of folks enjoying the day without the benefit of clothing.
Just for the record, nudists or naturists, are not perverts. The idea of enjoying the outdoors without clothing isn't about sex, it's about freedom. It's also about celebrating the amazing human body in a beautiful and natural state.
Where Can You Celebrate National Nude Day in Louisiana?
There are three resorts that advertise clothing-optional getaways. One of those resorts is also a campground and offers activities that you'd expect to find at a campground. It's just that the guests are only wearing sunscreen or bug spray if you know what I mean.
The great thinker and American Patriot Benjamin Franklin was a big fan of no clothes. It has been reported that Franklin often wrote of taking "air baths" as a way to calm the mind and body.
What's the Best Benefit of a Nude Resort?
If you ask individuals who visit nude or naturist resorts around the world they will say besides the emotional and spiritual benefits that being one with nature can bring. They also say packing for vacations is a lot easier and the suitcases are lighter, for obvious reasons.
Can I Celebrate National Nude Day in my Own Backyard?
That's a question that will require some research on your part. If you live in a municipal setting there are likely community standards involving nudity. However, in many cases, if an individual has privacy fences and the view of their property is sequestered from public view you can probably go sans clothes without fear of retribution. But you make that decision on your own.
By the way, we have already missed out on International Skinny Dipping Day. That was last Saturday and is usually celebrated on the second Saturday in July. In this case, Skinny Dipping Day served as a kickoff for National Nude Recreation Week.
Oh, and one other thing, I'd wait until next week, when you have your shirt back on, to cook any bacon. Don't ask me how I know.
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