Kevin James was on Good Morning America this morning promoting his new movie "Home Team". The new movie is about the year that Sean Payton was suspended and how he spent it coaching his son's football team.

We got to see a clip of the movie on GMA and during the clip we see Kevin James describing a play to his son's team through food and tortilla chips. Michael Strahan then asked him what type of coach he would be in real life. James said he would want to be a flexible coach but he then goes on to describe how much Sean Payton is in charge of things for the Saints. James got to see Payton up close and personal during the NFL Draft.

James also describes how Sean Payton inspired him to do a musical with his kids. James was recently in Oliver Twist with his kids and it's thanks to him being inspired by Sean Payton coaching his son.

James finishes his interview by saying that this movie teaches how to find the light through dark times. And even though Payton was suspended it turned out to be one of the best things to happen to him.

Are you excited about the new Sean Payton movie? Well, you won't have to wait much longer, "Home Team" will be out on Netflix this Friday!

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