Lafayette Christian Academy To Return With 5-Day In-Person Classes
Local school districts are making plans to return to school next month either partially in-class or all virtual. Lafayette Christian Academy announced its plans online today. It will open campus fully with 5-day classes.
From the Lafayette Christian Academy Facebook page:
LCA is excited to announce that we will be heading back to campus for a full 5-day on-campus learning experience!
Lafayette Christian Academy believes that it is important for the students to return to an “On Campus” education. All classes will be on campus only.
The first day of classes will be August 17th, five days a week, 7:55 am until 3:00 pm. We have a plan to minimize the exposure of your students. The administration of LCA believes that our plan protects the students and allows some normalization of the student’s lives.
All 3rd – 12th grade students must wear a face covering to school. Face coverings can be cloth, paper, or plastic face shields. They can be solid or have a print or pattern on them. They cannot have characters or words other than a name. The United States flag is the only flag pattern allowed. The face covering can be the behind the ear type or the pull up from around the neck type (gator). The face covering must cover the nose and mouth.
Once class has begun and all students are in their desks the students may remove their face coverings. The teacher will not wear a face covering while teaching but will wear one when they are in close proximity to a student or moving around campus.
All students will report directly to their first period class, where their temperature will be taken. If the student has a temperature of 100.4° or greater, the student will be taken to the office where their temperature will be taken again. If it is still high, then a parent will be called to pick up the child. The student can not return until they have gone 24 hours without fever without fever reducers taken.
We will keep each PreK – 7th homeroom as a static group with as little contact with others outside that group as possible. The group will do everything together, not mixing with other groups.
When students are playing outside, they will play with their group only, and not be required to wear a face covering. Each class will be separated by distance and will rotate on the playground equipment.
For Physical Education classes the students will not dress out and remain with their static group with a PE coach taking each group separately. Once this changes, you will be given instructions on how to purchase PE uniforms for grades 6th-12th.
Visitors will not be allowed to visit campus during this time, this includes art moms, guest speakers, lunch with star student or birthday kids. We are making every effort to limit contact with people outside of their static group.
For lunch, the students will eat in the Dining Hall, they will sit with their group and movement will be limited. Partitions will be placed between each row of tables. Students (3rd-12th) will wear face covering to and from the Dining Hall, but not while eating. Extra sanitization and precautions are being taken with the Dining hall staff.
High touch areas will be cleaned frequently. Students are encouraged to bring their own water
bottles to avoid using the water fountains.
For high school students, a locker schedule will be developed as to limit congestion around lockers. We will establish other measures to lessen congestion in the hallways.
Before and After the Bell will be offered with additional safety guidelines.
Parent Night on August 10th will be online. You will receive an email of the link to a video. You
will receive an email with details about student orientations later.
These procedures will remain in effect until the current mandates have been lifted. Understanding that in this fluid time, the situation may change, and adjustments may have to be made. We also understand that not every question has been answered with this email, we will keep parents informed as those decisions are made. The Administration and Board of Directors of Lafayette Christian Academy believes this plan will allow the students to return in a safe manner.