We love Lafayette.

Robin McMillan posted a great story on Facebook and she explained how a few Lafayette firefighters helped her clean up after Hurricane Laura.

Like so many of us, Robin was in the process of cleaning up her property after the storm when a firetruck from the Lafayette Department showed up. She thought that the firefighters were there to inspect her business for when the electricity came back on, but they were actually there to help her clean up her property.

The reason the firefighters stopped to help McMillan was because they were aware of her generosity to the community. These firefighters wanted to give back and they did.

What should have been an all-day project turned out to be a quick clean up for McMillan and her family. And this was because a few Lafayette Fireman decided to stop and help her

Here are some amazing photos of a community coming together after the storm. I encourage you to share any story you see with us as we continue to clean up after Hurricane Laura.


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