Lent is upon us, and a lot of folks are giving up treats or vices for the duration of the days leading up to Easter. Are you one of them?

But, living in Louisiana, some things might be harder than others to let go of until Sunday, April 12. Even though the point is to make a sacrifice, the list below reflects some of the things I think might be just a little bit harder to give up at this time of year if you live in the great state of Louisiana. And yes, I'm saying this with a bit of 'tongue in cheek' intended.

  • Crawfish. They are plentiful and cheap right now, which means this one's gonna hurt
  • Beer. Let's be honest, you probably drank enough over Mardi Gras to last you until Easter.
  • Cracklins and Boudin. I'm putting both of these in one category, because we can't imagine one without the other
  • Festivals. We have over 400 festivals a year in Louisiana, so you won't miss much for 40 days, and you can make it up later
  • Talking politics. Taking a little break on this one would would be nice, even if it's not during Lent.
  • Trash talking on social media. We're lookin' at you, Church Point
  • Any Ragin' Cajun or LSU sports. We had enough heart pounding and screaming at the TV over the last football season to last us awhile.
  • Dessert. We ate enough King Cake over Mardi Gras to last us until next Carnival season
  • Any live cajun or zydeco music. Ouch.
  • Outdoor activities. What's the Sportsman's Paradise without a little hunting and fishing?


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