Many on social media are reacting to the video of a mechanic almost getting ran over by a woman who had just gotten her vehicle fixed. While many are recognizing the wrong-doing by the driver, some are supporting her actions.

The full video of the incident is here, but let me break down the situation for you first.


Let's start by stating the obvious - no one wants to be in this predicament. Being stuck on the side of the road with car trouble is a miserable feeling. Luckily for this woman, she was able to get help from someone who presumably knows their way around a car.

Twitter via @SmplyGoddess
Twitter via @SmplyGoddess

Unfortunately for the mechanic as soon as he was able to fix the issue, the driver took off.


He tried to stop her, as she nearly hit him with her car while peeling around the corner.


The mechanic realized that the driver was speeding off without being compensated for his work, so he jumped into his car to attempt to chase her down.


See the full video of posted to Twitter by @SmplyGoddess below.

Some on Twitter supported the driver.

Some online felt for both parties involved in the situation.

Meanwhile, others recognized that is was the mechanic who got the short end of the stick.

I did find some Twitter responses of people who reflected the way I feel about the incident. See those below.

I am a firm believer in both good and bad karma. I agree with the above Tweets that say no good is headed for the driver of this vehicle any time soon.

Even if you are down on your luck financially, that doesn't give anyone a right to take advantage of another person's work. The driver utilized the service this mechanic provided without paying him for it and that isn't right.

While the mechanic may never get paid for this specific job, I have a feeling he has some good coming his way all thanks to the decision making of the driver who screwed him out of a payment.

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