Movie Set In Louisiana’s ‘Gothic Hanging Jail’ Heading To Netflix
The 2019 horror film "Eli" set in the Gothic Hanging Jail in DeRidder, Louisiana will stream on Netflix later this year.
According to the Hollywood Reporter, "Eli" tells the story of a secluded clinic where a boy with a rare disease is being treated. Soon, the clinic becomes a haunted prison without a way out.
And that "haunted prison" is none other than the Beauregard Parish Jail, better known as the Gothic "Hanging Jail" due to a song that was written about the execution of two convicted murderers in 1928.
Beauregard Parish Tourism Director Lori Darbonne tells The Advocate "After seeing the great success of other movies released by Netflix, I believe this will be a huge deal for the jail and I am excited to see what that level of publicity may do for the facility."
Although the Paramount Pictures project was filmed in New Orleans the film crew made a 3-D digital scan of the jail and grounds in DeRidder that were added during editing.