New Numbers Show Scope Of Red Cross Flooding Response
The Red Cross continues its response to the flooding event in the state. Here is a breakdown of the latest numbers:
Red Cross disaster teams remain on the ground in Louisiana, providing shelter, food, relief supplies and casework assistance to people still picking up the pieces from the devastating flooding that began on August 11. On Labor Day, the Red Cross supported nine shelters which saw more than 900 overnight stays. More than 100 Red Cross response vehicles continue to fan out through affected neighborhoods to distribute food, water and relief supplies – which include personal hygiene items, insect repellent, cleaning kits and bleach.
To date the Red Cross and our partners have met a number of humanitarian needs:
Meals and snacks served | 960,000 |
Relief items distributed | 660,000 |
Overnight stays in emergency shelters | 68,000 |
Handled calls from people seeking help | 31,000 |
Provided health services and emotional support | 32,000 |
At this point in the disaster response, Red Crossers are beginning to provide casework. This means talking with people individually and providing them an opportunity to share their needs with a trained caseworker who coordinates follow-up services. For those who qualify, the Red Cross will also provide limited financial assistance of $125 per person. For a family of four this equates to $500.
You can get additional details at redcross.org.
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