barack obama

Democrats Afraid Of Looking Bad
Democrats Afraid Of Looking Bad
Democrats Afraid Of Looking Bad
The convention has been interesting to watch.  From videos proclaiming that we all belong to the government, to 4.5 million jobs that were or weren't created to the platform fiasco, Democrats have had a lot of things to be afraid of at the convention already...
Are You Better Off Than You Were Four Years Ago?
Are You Better Off Than You Were Four Years Ago?
Are You Better Off Than You Were Four Years Ago?
The question has been swirling around Charlotte, where the Democrats are getting together for their convention and the opportunity to anoint Barack Obama for another go as their standard-bearer.  But, many voters are asking the question that Ronald Reagan asked so long ago...
Official White House Beer Recipe Revealed
Official White House Beer Recipe Revealed
Official White House Beer Recipe Revealed
People worked themselves up into such a fizz over news that the President brews his own beer that the White House decided to share its recipe. You may not be able to debate like Obama, but now you can drink like him!
President Obama’s Little Known Gaffe
President Obama’s Little Known Gaffe
President Obama’s Little Known Gaffe
President Obama was in Ohio this week and made his way to The Ohio State University campus.  One of the things that many that are fans of Ohio State know is how to take four people and spell Ohio.  It is something that many have done all over the place...
Reasons That Obama Has to Go
Reasons That Obama Has to Go
Reasons That Obama Has to Go
Newsweek did a cover story that will surprise you.  In it, Niall Ferguson talks about the many reasons that President Obama needs to be replaced.  He covers matters of the economy, jobs and promises made by Candidate Obama that were broken by President Obama...
Romney Fires Back, Obama Panics
Romney Fires Back, Obama Panics
Romney Fires Back, Obama Panics
Mitt Romney is now firing back with some comments about the President's campaign.  He said that the campaign is showing desperation in it's response to things in recent times. Meanwhile, the President's campaign says that Romney is flipping out because of his comments that he made in a rally in Ohio...
The Presidential Sweepstakes – History In The Making
The Presidential Sweepstakes – History In The Making
The Presidential Sweepstakes – History In The Making
I have to admit that I love this time on the calendar.  Every four years we get together at the polls and choose who our leader is going to be.  Sometimes we go with the person I voted for and sometimes not, but there are always different points of rhetoric that drive the election...
More Executive Orders from Obama?
More Executive Orders from Obama?
More Executive Orders from Obama?
Cyber security is on the mind of the President.  This is after the Senate could not come up with enough votes to override the potential filibuster of a bill that would provide for a government/business partnership to fight cyberterrorism. ...

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