barack obama

Obama Changes Tune on Layoffs
Obama Changes Tune on Layoffs
Obama Changes Tune on Layoffs
President Obama has changed positions on a very important issue to workers across the nation.  In 2007, when then Senator Obama was campaigning for President, he urged those that were expecting cuts to let their workers know that they might lose their job...
Wall Street Betting on Romney Win – Are You As Confident?
Wall Street Betting on Romney Win – Are You As Confident?
Wall Street Betting on Romney Win – Are You As Confident?
According to a recent article from CNBC, an analysis of market trends in the last week indicate that there may be some on Wall Street that have decided that Mitt Romney is going to be the next President.  Some market analysts say that this is the only conclusion that you can make for the market trending upward in recent days...
Obama Thinks His Economic Policy Worked – What Do You Think?
Obama Thinks His Economic Policy Worked – What Do You Think?
Obama Thinks His Economic Policy Worked – What Do You Think?
President Obama made a statement at a recent fundraiser that claimed he fixed the economy.  Among the things that he takes credit for making work is the auto industry, which he says is now "roaring back."  Among the things he does not mention is the number of jobs lost and the amount of taxpayer money that has been lost in the auto bailout...
Holy Bad Comparisons : Batman to Obama?  Romney to Bane?
Holy Bad Comparisons : Batman to Obama? Romney to Bane?
Holy Bad Comparisons : Batman to Obama? Romney to Bane?
The Obama Campaign for President seems to think it can now score points for making pop culture comparisons.  Wheel in the latest that compares Mitt Romney to the latest menace to Batman in Bane..  And if that isn't enough, the campaign is now comparing Barack Obama and Joe Biden to Batman and Robin ...
Barack Obama Booed for Snubbing Michelle on ‘Kiss Cam’
Barack Obama Booed for Snubbing Michelle on ‘Kiss Cam’
Barack Obama Booed for Snubbing Michelle on ‘Kiss Cam’
Barack Obama got the old “Bronx cheer” during the second quarter of the USA versus Brazil men’s basketball exhibition at the Verizon Center in Washington, DC, Monday night. However, the boos had nothing to do with what the crowd thought of his job performance as president. Instead they were reacting to his inexplicable decision not to kiss his wife Michelle when the First Couple was featured on th
Are You Responsible For Your Own Success?
Are You Responsible For Your Own Success?
Are You Responsible For Your Own Success?
President Obama addressed supporters in a rally on Friday in Virginia.  In that speech, he made some comments about business owners taking credit for their own success.  In the midst of pointing out that people use roads and bridges and other things that the government puts together, he made this statement, If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that...
President Obama Compares Economy to Hurricane in New Orleans TV Interview
President Obama Compares Economy to Hurricane in New Orleans TV Interview
President Obama Compares Economy to Hurricane in New Orleans TV Interview
The President was being interviewed by New Orleans TV Station WWL, and was asked about the economy and it's impact on people in the Crescent City.  His response blamed Bush and compared the economic crisis to a hurricane.  Obama said, I mean, this is essentially like–it was a financial hurricane that hit, and we’ve been cleaning up ever since...

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