Bobby Jindal

Revenue Neutrality At Heart Of Debate Between La. Government Watchdog Group And Gov. Jindal’s Office Over Tax Swap Plan
Revenue Neutrality At Heart Of Debate Between La. Government Watchdog Group And Gov. Jindal’s Office Over Tax Swap Plan
Revenue Neutrality At Heart Of Debate Between La. Government Watchdog Group And Gov. Jindal’s Office Over Tax Swap Plan
The Public Affairs Research Council of Louisiana (PAR) and La. Department of Revenue Secretary Tim Barfield, La. Gov. Bobby Jindal's point man on his tax proposal, are at odds over whether the tax swap proposal is revenue neutral, as advertised.
Bobby Jindal’s Weak Showing At CPAC [Opinion]
Bobby Jindal’s Weak Showing At CPAC [Opinion]
Bobby Jindal’s Weak Showing At CPAC [Opinion]
The Governor is in a world of hurt.  That after the CPAC straw poll delivered a humbling blow to Bobby Jindal, a man that would like to fill out change of address cards in 2016 that read 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Governor Jindal came in 9th in the straw poll among leaders of the party as to who they would like to lead them...
What Do You Think Of Governor Jindal’s Tax Plan?
What Do You Think Of Governor Jindal’s Tax Plan?
What Do You Think Of Governor Jindal’s Tax Plan?
Governor Jindal has announced some details about his tax plan and many are now taking sides.  His plan calls for the elimination of the income tax in exchange for a sales tax increase from 4 to 5.88 percent. What do you think about the ideas that the Governor is putting forward...
Gov. Jindal Blames ‘The Coalition Of The Status Quo’ After His Teacher Tenure And Evaluation Reforms Are Ruled Unconstitutional
Gov. Jindal Blames ‘The Coalition Of The Status Quo’ After His Teacher Tenure And Evaluation Reforms Are Ruled Unconstitutional
Gov. Jindal Blames ‘The Coalition Of The Status Quo’ After His Teacher Tenure And Evaluation Reforms Are Ruled Unconstitutional
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal's office say they are "disappointed" and plan to appeal Monday's ruling by Judge Michael Caldwell, a reversal of his original ruling on Act 1, a law that deals with teacher tenure and evaluation and makes it harder for teachers to achieve tenure, which gives them greater job security.
Who Should Run For Senate For The GOP?
Who Should Run For Senate For The GOP?
Who Should Run For Senate For The GOP?
So, who should it be?  There have been a lot of names floating around out there and many of them seem like they would work.  Names like John Fleming, who was recently mentioned as a possibility along with others like Charles Boustany and even his recent opponent for Congress, Jeff Landry...

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