donald trump

Donald Trump Launches New Website After Being Banned On Facebook, Twitter, And Instagram
Donald Trump Launches New Website After Being Banned On Facebook, Twitter, And Instagram
Donald Trump Launches New Website After Being Banned On Facebook, Twitter, And Instagram
Former President of the United States, Donald Trump, has launched a new website after having some of his social media accounts banned from their respective platforms. The website says that Trump's office, "is committed to preserving the magnificent legacy of the Trump Administration, while at the same time advancing the America First agenda".
Bill Belichick Will No Longer Receive The Presidential Medal Of Freedom
Bill Belichick Will No Longer Receive The Presidential Medal Of Freedom
Bill Belichick Will No Longer Receive The Presidential Medal Of Freedom
When President Trump announced on Saturday that coach of the New England Patriots, Bill Belichick, would be the recipient of a Presidential Medal of Freedom, the coach was, "flattered". Now, Belichick has decided to not move forward with the award.

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